I’ve been a bit irritable this week, and I’ve decided to exorcise my crankiness by focusing not on this episode’s finer moments, but the two things that ticked me off most about it.
The Good Wife Recaps Are on Sick Leave...
posted by Monica A
Your friendly recapper has been felled by a cold/flu bug. She will return next week!
The Dangers of Gambling and Homemade Laxatives
posted by Brett Landis
This week. . . “Boardwalk Empire” tackles Rothstein’s gambling addiction, lots of people party with the Capones, and Willie stars in a remake of “Revenge of the Nerds”. Also, John Stewart co-recaps!
Previously TV: Bones: go read this!
posted by Laura Owen
I haven’t yet had a chance to watch the season premiere of Bones’ ninth season yet, so you should go read the inestimable Sarah D. Bunting over on Previously.tv